powder just doesn't count. Lemonade is my favorite drink and i don't even know how to make it right and i'm about to tell you how to make it the best i know. How about at the restaurant when they ask you what flavor you'd like. They ask you that because they have more than plenty to choose from.
I don't know how to make lemonade perfectly.. but i've had it so many times that i know thats it's best with sugar on top of the glass.
Every time they add more sugar it just makes it sweeter. The more the sugar the sweeter it is.
I don't know how to make lemonade but i know that the more the sugar, the better it tastes.
i know that in life when things are hard, when we just smile even when we don't want to, life will be better, maybe even sweeter than lemonade.
Lemonade has so many different flavors you can try. Right when you get sick of one you can test another. You can find your favorite flavor and share it with someone else and help bring sweetness into their lives.
We always here the phrase "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." well what happens when you don't know how to make it perfect? You have to get the right amount of fruit and sugar perfectly to even make it taste right.
Sometimes even when we don't know how to make it perfectly we can try taste by taste until we get it right. We can add fruit by fruit and maybe one more teaspoon of sugar. And if we never try the glass of water will no longer have water dripping from the sides because of its refreshing cool. The lemon will be untouched and soon lose its perfect bright shape and color.
How do i teach you how to make lemonade if i don't even know how? i don't think any of us do because the powder you poor into a glass of water just doesn't count. When life hands you lemons, take the lemon and make lemonade. Cut the lemon and taste it. Try it out and maybe by adding a little sugar it can turn into something sweeter.